MY list of awesome stuff
This is my space where I talk about awesome stuff (and learn to code). I am going to try to add one new thing everyday (or most days*) as a reminder that life is great! (*hahaha-ok, maybe just some random days)
Good vibes only :)
- 1. family
- 2. friends
- 3. Cats playing pianos
- 4. tulips
Get some of your own here:
check it out!

- 5. SHOES!! (who doesn't wear shoes?) (Ok, maybe little babies, but they should because their shoes are adorable)
- 6. Rainbows (of course)
Since this one is so cliche, its also awesome to understand how rainbows are formed:
Science rocks!
- 7. Naps
- 8. Knitting
Imagine what people could make if they weren't watching TV (or surfing the internet looking for awesome stuff):
- 9. National puppy day!
awwwwwwwww woof
- 10. WEEKENDS (basically another name for a very long nap)

- 11. DIY videos on Youtube
New Faucets are awesome.
- 12. Donuts

- 13. Public libraries!
I got a book on html coding (obviously haven't read it yet. Ha!)
- 14. Spotify
So much to listen to, so little time.
- 15. Easter candy can't.stop.eating

- 16. Pants with elastic waistbands (see #15)
- 17. Clean sheets -Coordinates with #7 and #10. (starting to see a pattern here......)
- 18. Dogs pulling people on skateboards: It is a real thing. I saw this today irl.
watch the awesomeness.
- 19. Joseph and the Amazing Technocolor Dream Coat.
I realize I might be alone on this one, but be honest, who has never thought -just for a second -about selling your brother? They actually did it. (not awesome.)
Donny Osmond makes it even better.
- 20. Birthdays
Better than the alternative.

- 21. Junk Drawers
Need some shoelaces? Got it! paperclip? Got it! 3 year old hot sauce? Got it!

- 22. Pigging out at the movies
Might end up being dinner......

- 23. Yard ornaments: The more the better.

- 24. A BIG HUG
especially when you are feeling overwhelmed

25. superheroes
I think we could all use one NOW.

26. cooking new things desserts

28. Grandparents. They make all the little things more special.
29. Braces. Not always fun, but worth it. :).

30. Clean your desk day. -Ugh. missed this! Might have to just clean my desk anyways.......

31. Chocolate -Maybe this should have been #1. Sometimes better than certain family members. . .
he wants chocolate, she wants chocolate, I want chocolate.
32. headphones. Block out the haters. Chillax peeps

33. Leeroy Jenkins!
Chums up! Let's do this!
34. LUNCH. Highlight of most days.
Hahaha. I wish my lunch looked like this! (kind of too cute to eat.)
35. The couch. AKA: Sofa AKA: Happy place
36. Life is good . Great message. So cute and they donate a portion of all sales to kids.
This should be required wearing. How can I get this law passed?
37. collections. (aka: stuff) I guess its easier to collect little stuff like cards, stamps, shoes or (my personal favorite) YARN. (really you can never have too much yarn) (or too many black shoes)
38. Soup dumplings!!
How to eat-just in case...
39. Pencils. Just in case you make a mistake-erasing is handy. (not that I've ever made one. hahahaha)
40. Coffee. I wish I had more coffee.
41. Social Distancing. Been practicing for this for YEARS.
42. Husbands. Especially the one that helped get snow off my car today .
42. scary HALLOWEEN food. If you dare to eat it......wahaha
43. Giant Pumpkins- How do these grow so big? Can you carve that?
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